Spend a year or semester living or exploring intentional community, serving at a social justice non-profit, and practicing simple & sustainable living.
LVC is a community of faith that unites people to work for peace and justice.
Journey to Inclusive Community
LVC is engaged in an ongoing process of forming and strengthening alliances among people of many cultures and communities.
Support LVC
Your gift allows LVC to match bright Volunteers with organizations important to the social justice movement. There has never been a more important time!
Introducing the Fellows’ Stipend Impact Fund for Life and Learning
The LVC is proud to announce the launch of our new dedicated fund, The Fellows’ Stipend Impact Fund for Life and Learning!
The donations from this fund will go towards the care and comfort of our Fellows during their Fellowship year. Please consider providing your best gift to the Impact Fund or selecting an option from our pre-set donation amounts.
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